Saturday, December 29, 2007

Guy Movies

Do you long for more fulfilling conversations about movies with a member of the opposite sex? We thought so. Try varying your movie repertoire by enduring a few (at least 5) of these "guy flicks."

The basics:
1. Gladiator
2. Braveheart
3. Dumb and Dumber
4. The Matrix
5. Saving Private Ryan
6. Fight Club
7. The Godfather
8. Star Wars
9. Lord of the Rings
10. Shawshank Redemption

For the more artsy tastes:
1. Requiem for a Dream
2. American Beauty
3. American History X
4. Little Miss Sunshine
5. Amelie
6. Magnolia
7. Life is Beautiful

Friday, December 28, 2007

Step 1: Locating Mr. Right

Settings where guys hang out often:
  1. Sports bars/pubs or taverns (depending on which country you're in)

  2. Cheap eateries (taco trucks, Carl's Jr. etc.)

  3. Construction sites

  4. Gentlemen's clubs (not recommended)

  5. Lumber yards

  6. Quarries

  7. Auto shops/detailing

  8. The local gym
  9. All-boys schools

  10. Parsonages

  11. Monasteries (may pose unforseen challenges)

  12. Urologists' office

  13. Race tracks/NASCAR races

  14. Football stadiums/baseball parks

  15. Wall Street


A big problem with women today is they simply don't understand how to play the game. Liss and Chelle are here to help women everywhere increase their "guy-q" (aptitude in the world of guys). Listen in for our top tips on those quizzical humans with y chromosomes.